Liquidity / ATS

Bringing emerging technologies and capital markets for solving the largest pain point - The Liquidity Gap

USA Institutional and Accredited & Non-USA investors

The Realproton Platform is designed for USA institutional clients and accredited (No Retail) and Non-USA investors. This selective access ensures that every participant has the requisite experience and financial foundation to engage with and benefit from sophisticated investment opportunities.

Tokenization of Value Assets

We enable real estate portfolio companies to tokenize their assets under the umbrella of Realproton Inc. This approach enhances liquidity and opens up new avenues for investment in premium real estate, previously accessible only to large financial institutions or wealthy individuals.


Strategic Access and Market Distribution

  • Trust and acceptance
  • Seamless cross-border regulatory compliance
  • Structural stability
  • Institutional partnerships
  • Technological reliability and interoperability
  • Global Distribution Network
  • Buy & Sell of real estate assets focusing on delta

Liquidity Sources

Global Liquidity Providers

Global Institutional Network

Multi ATS listings and cross ATS collaborations

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